Course Offerings

New AI On-Demand 


AI LEARN PASS Price $999.99  

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Artificial Intelligence Essentials Certification Course (AIEC) 

Price $699.00 

This course features 13 instructional videos diving deep into key AI topics. Alongside these lessons, participants can engage in practical AI exercises, access comprehensive reference materials, test their understanding with integrated quizzes and cultivate their learning with a final concluding exam. 

Key Themes:
Artificial Intelligence Biases
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Computer Vision
4 continuing education credits (CPDs)



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AI Prompt Engineering Fundamentals (AI-PEFC) 

Price $399.99 

This course offers 7 enlightening on demand video lessons that provide an introduction to AI Prompt Engineering, either as a career direction or to enhance your existing role. Delve into practical techniques for AI prompting in common business scenarios and grasp the underlying principles that make them effective. The learning journey is supplemented with periodic knowledge assessments and concludes with a comprehensive exam.

Key Themes:
Introduction to AI Prompt Engineering 
Practical Techniques for using Prompt Engineering
Explore business scenarios in application of common prompt strategies 
2 continuing education credits (CPDs)
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Machine Learning: Understanding Machine Learning in the Modern World

Price $99.99

This course encompasses 12 instructional videos that delve into the core principles and nuances of Machine Learning. Explore prominent industries harnessing the power of Machine Learning, the essential skills to master, potential earnings, and a plethora of other insights!

Key Themes: 

What is Machine Learning 
Types of Machine Learning
How is Machine Learning being used in today
Machine Learning Core Principles

1 continuing education credits (CPDs


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Agile Team Facilitation 

This class applies practical scenarios across multiple industries and domains.   From team to stakeholder engagement facilitation skills are critical to reach a consensus on priorities and goals.  

Key Themes:

Exploring the Art of Facilitation 
Fostering Collaboration for better outcomes
Techniques for Effective Meetings
Utilizing a variety facilitation practices in diverse and unique environments based on audience


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Leading with Agility 

This class is for the leaders who are wanting to promote organizational agility and operational efficiency within their company across their organization by developing change agents to promote transformational goals.  

Key Themes:

Organizational Agility
Leadership Styles
Emotional Intelligence in Relationships
Leader as a Change agent in Transformation


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Agile Product Ownership 

This class is for the product owners or managers who desire to deliver valuable products and services to their customers through design thinking and collaboration.  

Key Themes: 

The Craft of Product Ownership 
Skills for Agile Product Management
Determining Value Delivered
Enabling Valuable Delivery

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Agile Estimation

This workshop explores  a collaborative approach to agile estimation utilizing an abstract holistic perspective.

Key Themes:

Exploring Reasons for Estimation
Team Based Estimation
Relative Estimation
Common Agile Estimation Techniques
Benefits of Team Estimation

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OKR Workshop

This workshop explores objectives and key results (OKRs) to create alignment and clarity across the organization, programs and teams.

Key Themes:   

 Recognizing the Real Problem
Strategic Outcomes
Outcome vs. Output
Outcome focused using the OKR model
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Agile Testing Mindset

The class explores the agile testing mindset used to increase the opportunity to incorporate quality in our development pipeline.   

Key Themes:

Agile Testing Mindset
Exploring Agile Roles Feedback Loops
Agile Testing Quadrants
Agile Testing Collaboration
Common Agile Testing Techniques and Practices

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Agile Retrospectives

This workshop explores a team collaborative approach to creating meaningful retrospectives. 

Key Themes:

Exploring Reasons for Retrospectives
Benefits of retrospectives
Stages of an Effective Retrospective
Designing Your Own Retrospective                   
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Value Stream Mapping

This workshop is an interactive event where leaders and technical contributors map their current Value Stream performance and determine areas of improvement. 

Key Themes:

Exploring Value Streams  
Mapping  the current value stream 
Applying Value Stream Metrics
Identifying the delays and bottlenecks 
Mapping Future State and Next Steps
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Agile Mindset

The class explores the agile mindset used in developing products and services that employ an iterative and incremental approach.

Key Themes:

Agile Manifesto Values and Principles
Common Agile Practices
Agile Development  
Doing vs. Being Agile
Mindset Shifts to Adopting Agility


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Kanban Foundations

This workshop explores the principles and practices supporting the Kanban Method.   

Key Themes:

Using Kanban to visualize your workflow
Designing Kanban for different types of work 
Applying flow metrics  
Theory of Constraints (TOC)  


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Vision Board and Impact Mapping

This workshop is an interactive event where the facilitator will walk the participants through a series of activities to determine the product vision and impact map.

Key Themes:

Exploring Vision Board components
Exploring the WHY behind product creation
Exploring Impacting Mapping 
Designing your vision and impact map
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Agile Requirements

The workshop explores agile user stories and feature writing to clarify business needs in developing products and services.

Key Themes:

User Story Fundamentals
What is value?
What are user stories?
What is the Definition of DONE?
Characteristics of a good story
Types of Stories
Focus on Users                        


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Team Kanban Practitioner

This workshop will learn how to design an Team Kanban Board based on the principles and practices behind the Kanban Method.   

Key Themes:

Principles and Practices of the Kanban Method
Visualize different types of work and identify risks 
Benefits of limiting work in progress (WIP) to improve flow  
Kanban meetings for cadence and synchronization of team
Design and implement a basic Kanban Board using Flow Metrics
Identify bottlenecks utilizing Team Kanban 
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Kanban Systems Design*

For leaders and change agents looking for a lean and evolutionary approach to business agility  

Key Themes:

Customized Kanban beyond simple visual management and team Kanban
Balancing workoad across the organization
Visualize multiple streams
Kanban to improve delivery of services and products 


*Attendees who have completed both KSD and KSI are awarded the Kanban Management (KMP) Certification                              
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Kanban Systems Improvement*

For leaders and change agents wanting to utilize a deeper kanban approach to scale the enterprise across multiple teams, portfolios and/or programs

Key Themes:

Using Kanban for managing change
Full Kanban Systems for software, manufacturing and hardware
Scaling across multiple Service Delivery Models
Managing dependencies
Measuring performance of the Kanban System
Flow Metrics and Forecasting to manage Risk
Kanban Maturity Model
*Attendees who have completed both KSD and KSI are awarded the Kanban Management (KMP) Certification.
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